Let’s take a journey together.

We help organizations translate complex data into evidence, guiding them on their journey to grow and thrive.

What We Do

We provide monitoring and evaluation services to organizations around the globe, looking to start or continue their journey of learning and growth.

Why we do this work


To be an international home for inclusive, open collaboration on learning and growth.

mission statement

Providing empathy and strategy to complex discussions of what works, for whom, and in what context.

ultimate goal

To support organizations on their learning journey to get curious, make connections, and grow into their best selves.


Care – We genuinely care about you and your organization. Connection, active listening, and responding with respect and compassion are important to us.

Growth – We believe in the power of growth. Not the “Wolf of Wall Street” kind of growth, but tree-like growth – slowly, magnificently, and connected to all living things around it.

Working with Lionheart Data, you will…

Have the answers to your most pressing questions about the impact of your program.
Have the confidence to make programmatic decisions based on evidence, not hunches.
Feel seen and heard throughout the learning journey.

Your learning Journey

We’re inspired by the hero’s journey – how the journey can teach us more about ourselves and our organizations, than the ending can.

What does working with Lionheart Data look like?

A collaboration. We’re in this together and we genuinely want your program to succeed.

A learning journey tailored to your organization’s needs and values. Nothing standard or “off-the-shelf” here.

Clear and effective communication. Clear is kind.

Where are you at in your journey?

Lionheart Data offers three services, tailored and customized to your organization’s needs.

DRAWING THE MAP: You’re excited to start the journey, which includes designing an evaluation and learning journey that will answer your most pressing questions about your organization or program.

DATA TRANSFORMATION: Your learning journey has already begun, but you need data visualized to clearly communicate evidence and findings to stakeholders.

HERO’S JOURNEY: You’re ready for the whole journey – design, data collection, analysis, sharing and learning together.

It’s nice to meet you.

I’m Chelsea, founder of Lionheart Data, LLC. I’ve been living, studying and working in international spaces for over 15 years. Since 2017, I’ve worked in the global health and international development fields – leading evaluations of workforce capacity building programs in East, West and Central Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.

Heavily influenced by the Evergreen Data Visualization Academy, I’m a strong advocate for clear and effective data visualization. I’m able to expertly distill and display complex data into clearly communicated reports and presentations.

I was born and raised in Minnesota, USA, and received both my Bachelors degree and Masters of Public Policy from the University of Minnesota. 

I’m happiest when I’m immersed in story – whether that is reading a book, listening to a friend tell me about their day, or a stranger explaining how a program impacted their life. I agree with Dr. Brené Brown – “Maybe stories are data with soul.

How to work with us.

You’re invited to a 15-minute, no obligation phone call with us to understand your organization’s needs along the learning journey, and to determine if we are the best organization to guide you. We’ll do the listening (and asking questions), and you’ll do the talking. If we’re a match, we’ll draw up a short proposal outlining our conversation and how we can partner with you to achieve your goals.